Thoughts on my birthday 11/18/2024
Posted on November 19 2024
Today is a big day. I am 55 and very reflective.
There are several things that I am extremely proud of on this day and they all tie into what Oli and Tess Jewelry embodies; the feeling of unity and connections. So these are my thoughts for today!
The unit that my husband and I created on 8/2/2002 was and still is the highlight of my life. We dated for 9 years before that day so it wasn’t done for show or insecurity. On that rainy day in Scotland, 22 years ago, I could never have imagined that the alliance we were creating would embrace everyone and everything that might get close to its orbit.
Oliver and Tess did not come easily for us, it was a struggle that made our bond even closer. It made us appreciate the fragility of life and experiences.
We feel deeply and we laugh hard. Our past experiences are what have shaped our parenting and both our business endeavors.
I am a wife, a parent, an artist and an environmentalist. These are the characteristics that created Oli and Tess Jewelry. I have always been artistic and I relish in the beauty that surrounds me. As I have grown older, traveled and witnessed the earth's limitations, my business model has changed dramatically. When I first started Oli and Tess I wanted to grow the business and become a competitive brand but over the years, I realized what an extraordinary privilege it was to be a full time mom. My kids grew up without a TV so we relied on the natural world for entertainment. Oliver and Tess’s appreciation and wonder for the outdoors has made me more vehement about protecting it for them and their children. How can I knowingly help destroy where they will live, long after me?
Because of this evolution I will keep my jewelry designs as an artistic outlet to be enjoyed by those who appreciate quality, art and sentiment over value and fashion. My process is slow and I am involved in all of it. I don’t cut corners and comfort is a priority. I spend hours at my jeweler’s shop, inspecting (and sometimes arguing 😃) with his work. Small imperfections give character and large ones make me start the whole process over again. It’s a labor of love and learning.
I wish my jewelry could be less expensive, believe me! But it’s the process of quality, small and slow that drive the cost and I am proud that I am not wreaking anything to make it. The value comes from the materials, construction and what I believe are timeless, classic designs that can be integrated with your other meaningful and fashionable jewelry.
Which brings me to my last thought. I pledge today, on my birthday, to try to learn something new every day. To continue to evolve and grow for myself, my kids and the environment. I am sincerely grateful for all of you and your notes of love for what I do. Those inspire me and keep me creative so please keep them coming!